Hey all!
Long time, no see. Anyway, I wanted to touch on an issue that has gotten me thinking lately and that thing is weight loss and health. Remember, being healthy doesn't just mean being fit and eating well. It also means having a balanced life, calm mind and good mood. Personally, I want to lose weight. I don't know how much weight, but I want to lose at least 10 kilograms. I currently am 5'9 and weigh 58.3kg. I spend hours searching the internet on 'how to lose weight fast' and I am sure lots of you have done the same. I have gathered a few different weight loss tips and tricks and I am going to give them to you now.
If this post gets lots of page views I might make a 'get healthy with me' series. If you would like, you can post comments on this post about what 'health' content you would like me to touch up on. By health I mean diet and fitness, not so much medical things. Also if I mention your comment on my next post like this I will check out and mention your blog on the post. Here you go:
Goals: I know that ten kilos is a big goal to set. Sometimes I get overwhelmed thinking about losing 10 kilos as it seems impossible. But I am not going to use the 'i' word anymore and instead of focusing on that big goal I am going to focus on multiple mini goals. I want to try to lose 1-2 kilos in two weeks. To me that seems more reachable. As well as a weight loss goal, I make other goals as well. For example: do 5 minutes of yoga and/or meditation every day, stop biting my nails, drink a lot more water. Once I reach these goals I feel accomplished and determined to complete my other main goal.
Motivation: The one thing that has helped me lately has been motivation. I have many ways of motivating myself. Beside my bed I have a piece of paper with a list of reasons why I should lose weight. I have also ordered a pair of skinny jeans, one pant size smaller than normal. I have pictures of tall models which have my ideal body type. Whenever I do something like say no to dessert, or go for a run, I reward myself with others things apart from food, such as trips to the nail salon or go to H and M for a shopping spree. Don't just throw away all you've achieved by ruining your diet with food rewards.
Tracking Your Progress: The main way I track my progress is by keeping a health diary. In my health diary I list: what I ate for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack, how much water I have drank, what my mood is like, if I am sick or not, my weight and my height and then I give myself an overall score out of 5. I think this is a great way of really noticing how healthy or unhealthy you are. I start to notice changes in my diet, weight and mood really easily. Put it this way, its better than guessing if your getting any healthier or not. There are many apps on smartphones which assist with this sort of thing as well.
If you have gotten this far through this post, thanks for reading and you're awesome (btw). This post has been about more mental, kind of weight loss subjects, not so much how to lose the weight. But I promise I will post about that if this page gets at least 7 page views (hopefully more). Don't forget to comment about what you want me to write about 'health wise' and you could get mentioned on my next health post. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for reading and supporting this post. I luv you all. Go start writing your health diaries.
-Quirky Unicorn