I hope you have had a wonderful break from me as I haven't written in ages. Today, I thought that I should share with you my points of view on something I have been interested in for a while, modelling. I'm sure that all you girls (and boys!) out there have at some point in your life fantasized about seeing yourself on the latest edition of vogue magazine or travelling the world with other models and posing in designer brands on the catwalk. This is definitely me. I have always wanted to be that girl who would miss a day off school and would come back and everyone would ask where I had been and I would say "Oh, you know, I was just doing a photo-shoot for Dior, and everyone would get blown away.
Sadly, this is not reality, and if I did ever become a model, I'm sure I wouldn't be working for Dior any time soon. Although, this is hard to imagine for some, I have started to think about modelling seriously. I am a 5'9 and still only a teenager, so it has always been a possibility. Except I may need to lose a few kilos as my legs and but are quite round, but the rest is okay. I was really considering this the other day so I looked up modelling and found out about various things that I had no clue about, including 'modelling agents' and 'model castings'.
A modelling agent, or just a regular agent is a professional you hire to find you photo-shoots and pretty much get you out there. I had no idea about agents, I always thought that someone from Vogue would just knock on the door, give you a million dollar cheque and fly you away to a studio. Sadly this is not the case and even if you are the perfect person to be a model, there are others out there just like you, which makes the modelling world competitive, so that is where an agent is concerned. Talking about competition brings me onto my next subject 'Model castings'. To what I believe, and I may be completely wrong, but a casting is where there is a photo-shoot or catwalk event coming up and the brand or clothing line will hold an audition for models. There may be 5 other girls or 100 other girls but either way, you will probably be measured in places like you waist and bum and you will have to give in a portfolio (a folder with photo's of you in it) and you may have to walk as well. They are normally completely honest at castings and they will tell you in your face if you are not tall enough or if you are too 'big' which I think is barbaric and I do not support people who use put downs like these.
So that's all, till next time,