Wednesday, 10 September 2014

4 Exercises Where You Don't Feel Like You're Exercising

Well that was a long title to write. So if you can read properly you will know that this afternoon I am going to be sharing with you my favourite non-exercising exercises, if that makes sense. To be honest, I don't exercise that much and I hate running, swimming and all of those cardio/weight lifting type things and I know that a lot of you guys do too. So I rounded up my favourite activities that will help burn some calories. I am going to do this in a sort of routine so you can do these in order.

Stretching/Yoga posing
Before you do any hardcore exercise always stretch. Don't do any yoga breathing yet because you don't want to lose all of your energy.

Bike riding
I absolutely LUV bike riding. I haven't been on a bike for ages and want to go on one right now *stomps foot and pounds fist on table*. When I say bike riding I don't mean getting all of your fancy bike gear on and sprint peddling down the road with a big group of other people. I simply mean getting on a mountain bike, a helmet and going on a relaxing ride in a park somewhere or on a bike track.

Trampolining is super fun and to be truthful I still bounce around like a little kid on the trampoline in our yard. Not that its a bad thing, trampolining is so fun a really good way of exercising. You don't have to buy a little mini trampoline like at the gym. Go on a real fun trampoline and try some somersaults and split jumps and I guarantee you will have the time of your life.

Hula Hooping
Hula hooping is so, so good for you. Just 30 minutes of it will burn off like 300 calories! Hula hooping can take a bit of time to master for some, but once you get the hang of it you'll be doing it 24/7.

Yoga is always a good thing to do after a long hard work out session because it relaxes you and cools you down. If you have good concentration and balance skills then yoga is definitely your thing. 

So go and get exercising now! I certainly will be. Just remember kids, that every couple of hundred calories dropped equals a Dominoes a pizza :) mmmm.....

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